Sunday, September 27, 2009

I Hate Hot Chicks Part Two

Now this part consists of the social treatment of this particular brand of human. I have encountered this more, in the past few months. "Hot" chicks obviously have preferential treatment. Since this is a male dominated society, this is most prevalent. I don't care if you are the most open-minded hot chick ever, your perception of society is going to be different from the normal girl. Everyone will laugh at your jokes, everyone will think your ideas are good, everyone will like you. The only who won't are other jealous hot chicks..... and people like me (male and female). Before, I mentioned exceptions. I find out, there are none. This is widespread across the board. Now, that also depends on what crosses the line into "hot chick". I can't outline it, but you can see it in any particular attractive female.

Due to everyone already having an opinion of you before you even open your mouth, you don't have to develop a personality. While this doesn't matter in the beginning, you will struggle later on. Every single living person, to me, offers a new perspective on life. A new way to perceive, imagine, see the world around us. Different thoughts, different opinions, different experiences, I only seek the learn from those I have not. The one exception to people I can learn from, you guessed it, "hot chicks". Their perspective is that of everyone around them, they don't need to develop an opinion to anything that doesn't directly affect them.

This does not upset me, that just because the idea of a human with the right features just gets a breeze through life. On the flip side, someone with beauty of the mind, with such rich ideas and thoughts, do not get the recognition they deserved because they don't fit the model of a physically attractive human. It doesn't because what you call 'karma' is on my side. The people of REAL beauty are realized a little later on, but those who aren't vain and materialistic, while their "hot" counterparts get used and the beauty that they possessed is ages out, in a short time.

REAL beauty doesn't age.

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