Friday, October 2, 2009

The Human Perception

Humans can only perceive things in the human universe. We can't think of what it's like to have pincers, wings, fins, or long tails. We can only comprehend things, through the filter of human and life. We can't comprehend death because we have only experienced things, through life. It's like saying you can successfully pilot an aircraft, when the most complicated machine you've driven was a bicycle.You just can't comprehend not existing. Really ponder it. Imagine dying and just not existing. That's right, can't do it. Now, from that detour, my main focus:

Deist argue that God did this, God did that. God seems less like a supreme being and more like a human with powers. A supreme being would not be doing things we comprehend. To lump God with some sort of extraordinary purpose, when all he does is punish those he doesn't agree with. "God is mysterious" no. God is maniacal, not mysterious. You can say the same thing about serial killers. Were they not mysterious, with unknown motives?

And now the afterlife, my biggest peeve with humans perceiving otherworldly events, with a human bias. If you transcend your species into something else (aka the afterlife), will you still crave the same things? Being a completely spiritual entity, will you still want 72 virgins? Would you still want humanly pleasures? No, you would fundamentally change, based on what you would become, in the afterlife. You wouldn't have the same biological urges, because urges are for living beings. Don't you see? What would drive you in this life, wouldn't in the after. What you want out of everlasting life in your human form, would change. There's really no way I can explain it better. Urges, wants, needs... they are for living creatures, with chemicals in their brains driving such forces.

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