Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Environmental Factors

So, take a guess as to a person who is born in a 99.6% white region, predominantly a certain religion, and a "morally-centered" community, what do you get? Just where we grow up and who we are around, affect us greatly. Say someone in my region (look above), would normally follow the beer-swilling, tractor-driving, trailer trash dumbshit who happens to be the majority. I took that, and went the opposite way. Do you think you'd be the same person, in slightly different conditions? Religion also factors. I mean, I'll never run into a gay Buddhist, here. That's right, I just said that sexual orientation and religious affiliation is DIRECTLY affected by environmental factors. If you live in a predominantly religious area, you have two options: for or against. Not other, more obscure religions. Just the same with sexual orientation. If it is tabooed to hell, it wouldn't happen. Just to be clear, I think there are equal parts being "born" gay and "turning" gay, due to environmental factors (rebellious, and/or gay friend).

A lot of what you are, is based on that. Don't think you'd be the same anywhere. If you want a better understanding of any particular person, just study their surroundings.

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