Monday, September 21, 2009

Politics: Health Care Reform

Now, it seems that if you are not living under a rock, you have to have some kind of stance on the White House's Health Care Reform bill. The way I see it, you have two types of people. You have the freaking insane right-wing saying that the president is a Nazi, that the Speaker of the House is a Nazi, and that this is the first step to the government's long term plan to control your brain, with microwaves feeding information into your head. The one thing they DON'T know: they are fighting the government, to pay MORE for health insurance, or for some, to get any at all! I think that amount of ignorance is just astounding. I mean, simply mindblowing. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, watch this:
(Funny how that claim that Obama is going to take all our rights away and throw the old people in death panels, but what did our last president do? There was no speculation, a "what if", he DID take our freedoms..... in the name of freedom! Where were all these people, then?)

And of course, you have the second type. The ones who don't lift a finger and want the government to do everything for them. I'm all for some government intervention, but complete reliance on incompetent, and corrupt, upper class white old guys is not my idea of a way to live. Power does corrupt. We need a more balanced system and not one completely controlled by easily swayed humans. I would say machines, but Judgment Day... I don't think so.

Overall, I support the bill, under the condition it CAN pay for itself and not add to the deficit. Anything to force competition on those dirty health insurance companies. They are straight thieves, no doubt about it.

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