Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Art of Pure Repetitive Banter

Normally, I try to write posts that at least stimulate the cerebral cortex, if not fully engage it. This, however, is slightly different. I'm kinda pissed and there will be a lot of profanity in this post, I'm guessing. Just warning you now.

Alright, so I work with relatively lower class people, in both financial state and mindset. Dealing with these people in a relatively sane matter I found to be entirely impossible and avoided whenever you can. They think like children. This is not an insult or debasing their character. They literally perceive things as a child would. Frankly, I find it hard to consider these people my elders. Like they had more of a life experience, hardships and good times, that they had just experienced more. Very hard to believe. And to come out like that. Okay, fine, they don't have to be moody all the time, but come on. A little discourse would be nice. This is why I don't just respect those older than I. They don't deserve it just because of. I don't know if they seen so much bad shit that they just can't handle thinking and "playing it cool". Earn respect, you dumbasses. I don't respect age, gender, race, sexuality, nationality, financial state, which area you live, fuck, even what planet you're from. All I respect is content of one's character. Too much time is spent on niceties with motherfuckers who don't deserve it. It's injustice, pure and simple. But anyway, back to the story....

So, that being said, there is one of them that stands above as King (or rather in this case, Queen) of the Adult Kids. She literally never shuts the fuck up EVER! She will tell you something, and then five minutes after, TELL YOU THE SAME GODDAMN STORY OVER AGAIN! I never thought this would get to me like this. So petty. But now I understand where others come from. Now, another trick she does is if you somehow have a humorous anecdote relating to the current topic, she'll talk over you. It's conceitedness, on a scale I have never seen before. Oh, and if you call her out on any bullshit, she cries. Now, does that sound like a goddamn, fucking adult to you? This goes to show I can't deal with the lower class. Ha, yes, I turn an aristocratical nose up to them.

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