Thursday, September 10, 2009


As creatures of intellect and emotion, most of what drives our everyday wants are emotional urges. In short, we all want to be liked, respected, and loved. You know how you are. You know what you think, your opinions on any sort of topic, your religious views, your own definition of morality.... who else knows that about you? Most people who you see on a daily basis, be them wanted or business-related, don't know the intimate details. Throughout your life, you do nothing than hide your true feelings, in an attempt to seem more mainstream, so you will be liked and respected. Think about when you meet someone for the first time. Think of the words. Is that really you? Of course, I don't know you, so I don't know if this is true or not. Though, I could not confirm nor deny, even if I did know you. You can only know people through how they are to YOU. That's my biggest peeve. It's those who exist in a lie. Well, second biggest peeve (that being those who are timid, weak, afraid to discuss their true feelings).

The internet brings this even to a new level. The ultimate place where you can act out your character with little regard to physical safety. On the opposite side, I have seen some who come alive and, through the means of a different kind of communications that is not that of normal conventions, show their true side. Be themselves, and not a lie to accommodate everyone else.

In your life, online and off, be yourself. Unless you are a total douchebag and the reason why you are a lie is because your personality is absolutely atrocious... but for all others, don't be anonymous. Be true and there will be those who will respect for what's inside.

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