Sunday, September 27, 2009

I Hate Hot Chicks Part Two

Now this part consists of the social treatment of this particular brand of human. I have encountered this more, in the past few months. "Hot" chicks obviously have preferential treatment. Since this is a male dominated society, this is most prevalent. I don't care if you are the most open-minded hot chick ever, your perception of society is going to be different from the normal girl. Everyone will laugh at your jokes, everyone will think your ideas are good, everyone will like you. The only who won't are other jealous hot chicks..... and people like me (male and female). Before, I mentioned exceptions. I find out, there are none. This is widespread across the board. Now, that also depends on what crosses the line into "hot chick". I can't outline it, but you can see it in any particular attractive female.

Due to everyone already having an opinion of you before you even open your mouth, you don't have to develop a personality. While this doesn't matter in the beginning, you will struggle later on. Every single living person, to me, offers a new perspective on life. A new way to perceive, imagine, see the world around us. Different thoughts, different opinions, different experiences, I only seek the learn from those I have not. The one exception to people I can learn from, you guessed it, "hot chicks". Their perspective is that of everyone around them, they don't need to develop an opinion to anything that doesn't directly affect them.

This does not upset me, that just because the idea of a human with the right features just gets a breeze through life. On the flip side, someone with beauty of the mind, with such rich ideas and thoughts, do not get the recognition they deserved because they don't fit the model of a physically attractive human. It doesn't because what you call 'karma' is on my side. The people of REAL beauty are realized a little later on, but those who aren't vain and materialistic, while their "hot" counterparts get used and the beauty that they possessed is ages out, in a short time.

REAL beauty doesn't age.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Funny (Like A Clown)

I think I know how I'll be received in ordinary society. It won't change as I get older. People will view me as a joke, someone to not take serious. Because you have to be the same to be taken seriously. For your ideas to have any merit, you need some sort of credentials, something that says "Hey, see, I CAN think". Granted, I can't apply for a heart surgeon and get by on my extensive knowledge of watching ER (I don't watch it actually, it's a crap show). But in other things. In non-material matters. Philosophy, psychology (yeah, maybe I need a degree, a thing that says I've studied the science) but just in general, it will be looked down upon. And that's fine. Low expectations allow for a more surprising event.

I am just too different. Why must all of you be the same? I see names, faces, that are completely interchangeable. And they are fine with that. I suppose it's just a matter of preference, but to exemplify complacency and the mainstream is unimaginative and keeps off at the slow rate of progression that we have. My "people" will always be a joke to you. Fine. That just means you'll stay out of our way. So, sit back, watch your ABC, go to the hair salon, and just stay out of the way of people who want change in your little world.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Those That Lead

There are two kinds of people, at least for this demonstration. First, there are followers, or people who follow one particular group. Nothing wrong with these folks... not really, but they just are easily swayed. Afraid to garner criticism, on a personal level (some of the extreme ones take offense to attack on their idols or group) and also not willing to dish any out.... unless their group is doing so to another group. Ordinary people, I'd say a rough estimate of 75% to 85% of all people are this. They do their thing, fall in line and that's their lot in life. They figure "hey, there has to be something good to it, if so many people ascribe to it". It's not necessarily they are submitting, just getting a group that fits to their beliefs best. And tend to follow that group in wherever it goes. Left to themselves, they wouldn't accomplish much. Not because of laziness or inability to act, just because of fear. They need a good push in the right direction.

Then there are the leaders or people without the clout of being criticized and chastised, thinkers who move in the way of their values as they perceive it, not as a group would. Now, these help the former type found a path. Most of these kinds of people tend to be a bit condescending. The ordinary human isn't capable of much by himself. It's always been great leaders to "guide" the masses. The ordinary human has too many social fears and obligations to be worried about real change. I've come to realize I'm not a follower. My strong independent mind, I feel most don't have a clue. They need people like me. To push them forward, to break new ground for them to stand on. I can think of a dozen cases where I demonstrated a proactive step forward, where my inactivity would have led to nowhere, because of my opposing's inactivity. I have no fears about not being liked or respected. There's a time when views, radical views, must be brought forth, not to be judged. As I said, the ordinary would live in comfortability, with no change because the Now is good. One 'leader' can do more than what 1,000 'followers' can do.

Now, look at yourself. Are you led easily? Do you feel as your right as a human is to live safe and secure, with no harm or worries? What is life if not fraught with danger to obtain that which is greater and more rewarding than the "safe" paths? And if you are religious, just forget about it.

Comes down to two things: are you independent or dependent on happiness?

The Art of Pure Repetitive Banter

Normally, I try to write posts that at least stimulate the cerebral cortex, if not fully engage it. This, however, is slightly different. I'm kinda pissed and there will be a lot of profanity in this post, I'm guessing. Just warning you now.

Alright, so I work with relatively lower class people, in both financial state and mindset. Dealing with these people in a relatively sane matter I found to be entirely impossible and avoided whenever you can. They think like children. This is not an insult or debasing their character. They literally perceive things as a child would. Frankly, I find it hard to consider these people my elders. Like they had more of a life experience, hardships and good times, that they had just experienced more. Very hard to believe. And to come out like that. Okay, fine, they don't have to be moody all the time, but come on. A little discourse would be nice. This is why I don't just respect those older than I. They don't deserve it just because of. I don't know if they seen so much bad shit that they just can't handle thinking and "playing it cool". Earn respect, you dumbasses. I don't respect age, gender, race, sexuality, nationality, financial state, which area you live, fuck, even what planet you're from. All I respect is content of one's character. Too much time is spent on niceties with motherfuckers who don't deserve it. It's injustice, pure and simple. But anyway, back to the story....

So, that being said, there is one of them that stands above as King (or rather in this case, Queen) of the Adult Kids. She literally never shuts the fuck up EVER! She will tell you something, and then five minutes after, TELL YOU THE SAME GODDAMN STORY OVER AGAIN! I never thought this would get to me like this. So petty. But now I understand where others come from. Now, another trick she does is if you somehow have a humorous anecdote relating to the current topic, she'll talk over you. It's conceitedness, on a scale I have never seen before. Oh, and if you call her out on any bullshit, she cries. Now, does that sound like a goddamn, fucking adult to you? This goes to show I can't deal with the lower class. Ha, yes, I turn an aristocratical nose up to them.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Politics: Health Care Reform

Now, it seems that if you are not living under a rock, you have to have some kind of stance on the White House's Health Care Reform bill. The way I see it, you have two types of people. You have the freaking insane right-wing saying that the president is a Nazi, that the Speaker of the House is a Nazi, and that this is the first step to the government's long term plan to control your brain, with microwaves feeding information into your head. The one thing they DON'T know: they are fighting the government, to pay MORE for health insurance, or for some, to get any at all! I think that amount of ignorance is just astounding. I mean, simply mindblowing. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, watch this:
(Funny how that claim that Obama is going to take all our rights away and throw the old people in death panels, but what did our last president do? There was no speculation, a "what if", he DID take our freedoms..... in the name of freedom! Where were all these people, then?)

And of course, you have the second type. The ones who don't lift a finger and want the government to do everything for them. I'm all for some government intervention, but complete reliance on incompetent, and corrupt, upper class white old guys is not my idea of a way to live. Power does corrupt. We need a more balanced system and not one completely controlled by easily swayed humans. I would say machines, but Judgment Day... I don't think so.

Overall, I support the bill, under the condition it CAN pay for itself and not add to the deficit. Anything to force competition on those dirty health insurance companies. They are straight thieves, no doubt about it.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Friend

Every time I've used the word "love" it has referred to the general consensus of what the word means. Romantic relationships. That's it. And I think about this word a lot, because it so ingrained into our very fabric of humanity, yet is entirely without sense. Like a African tribesman trying to figure out electrical wiring. We can't comprehend its gravity, how it is, and not to the mention the chemicals released into our heads upon "falling" for it.

But my meaning is so much deeper than that contrived term. To me, it refers to that connection, that moment where you, without even thinking, cease to be, in place of this person. I said feelings and emotions are good, in check. I don't throw the word around - in my meaning- lightly. I take it very serious. I take both extremes, very serious. Because people die over this. They choose not to even exist over this. It's such a powerful thing, yet so goddamn meaningless, due to the fact that there is no lofty gain that anyone else could point at and say "Well, that fellow certainly accomplished something". It has been so watered down and overused that we are desensitized to it, now. Love. Used to mean something. Now it can be used for two promiscuous partners who like to screw a lot. I hate THAT meaning. I think it can be a good thing, indeed. My love can be very motivating. It can back you into a corner, and as I stated previously I like that.

Environmental Factors

So, take a guess as to a person who is born in a 99.6% white region, predominantly a certain religion, and a "morally-centered" community, what do you get? Just where we grow up and who we are around, affect us greatly. Say someone in my region (look above), would normally follow the beer-swilling, tractor-driving, trailer trash dumbshit who happens to be the majority. I took that, and went the opposite way. Do you think you'd be the same person, in slightly different conditions? Religion also factors. I mean, I'll never run into a gay Buddhist, here. That's right, I just said that sexual orientation and religious affiliation is DIRECTLY affected by environmental factors. If you live in a predominantly religious area, you have two options: for or against. Not other, more obscure religions. Just the same with sexual orientation. If it is tabooed to hell, it wouldn't happen. Just to be clear, I think there are equal parts being "born" gay and "turning" gay, due to environmental factors (rebellious, and/or gay friend).

A lot of what you are, is based on that. Don't think you'd be the same anywhere. If you want a better understanding of any particular person, just study their surroundings.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


As creatures of intellect and emotion, most of what drives our everyday wants are emotional urges. In short, we all want to be liked, respected, and loved. You know how you are. You know what you think, your opinions on any sort of topic, your religious views, your own definition of morality.... who else knows that about you? Most people who you see on a daily basis, be them wanted or business-related, don't know the intimate details. Throughout your life, you do nothing than hide your true feelings, in an attempt to seem more mainstream, so you will be liked and respected. Think about when you meet someone for the first time. Think of the words. Is that really you? Of course, I don't know you, so I don't know if this is true or not. Though, I could not confirm nor deny, even if I did know you. You can only know people through how they are to YOU. That's my biggest peeve. It's those who exist in a lie. Well, second biggest peeve (that being those who are timid, weak, afraid to discuss their true feelings).

The internet brings this even to a new level. The ultimate place where you can act out your character with little regard to physical safety. On the opposite side, I have seen some who come alive and, through the means of a different kind of communications that is not that of normal conventions, show their true side. Be themselves, and not a lie to accommodate everyone else.

In your life, online and off, be yourself. Unless you are a total douchebag and the reason why you are a lie is because your personality is absolutely atrocious... but for all others, don't be anonymous. Be true and there will be those who will respect for what's inside.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Family And Friends (Compatibility)

Let's face it, not many people like their family members. Is it a wonder as to why this is? Family is just a loosely based group of people, held together by biological ties and nothing else. In essence, people you HAVE to be around. I believe that means nothing. People must be proven worthy by character and not some biological collective genes. Not to say some families aren't legitimate. Sometimes they are compatible people. Most times they aren't. Spare me the "love your family" talk. It just doesn't work.

Now onto friends. Friends, on the opposite side, are people you choose to be around. There aren't any ties there of any kind. Unless you subscribe to the "family friends" type, in which that might as well be called family. Friends are just people who happen to (now this part is very important) appear compatible. Really, most friendships are sparked by coincidence, some incident which has a temporary binding until a real connection is formed. Most of the time, that real connection is never formed.

Don't believe me? Take a look at this:

How many people have you met, under the pretense of friend, who you don't talk to anymore? They could be old middle-to-high school friends, they could old co-workers, they could be whatever, I'm sure you get my point. And things fall apart and fade away. Why is that? Temporary binding until that wears off and are faded back to apathetic opinion of that person. Which brings me to "best friends" or people who have stayed in contact with each other over a number of years, regardless of distance or circumstance. People who have been partners , for years even decades, in a business run together. THAT is what real compatibility is. That is what is worthwhile.

Just think of that, next time you fall out of grace with someone, with no discernible event happening

Friday, September 4, 2009

I Hate You

I do hate you. Yes, you. I know some will read this and think "Well, he certainly doesn't hate me". No, you are incorrect. "He doesn't even know me, how can he--" I can and do. I hate you. If you are reading this, I hate you (unless you are me, in which case I don't hate you). I hate what you like. I hate what you aspire to. I hate your hobbies. I hate those little things you say. I hate everything about you. Everything that makes up your composition, as a person. By even making this post, I am inhibiting my growth, as a human being with your hideous nonsense.

Now, I can't remember the last time I used that phrase seriously. I don't go around spouting to people that I hate them. It illicits a very emotional response from some. It is just an opinion. I say I like turkey, you wouldn't get offended at that, would you? If I hate you, I won't even waste the breath to argue or point this out. Once that becomes my belief, you are dead. You no longer "pick up" on my radar. You must be thinking that, since I still do converse with some of you, oh I can't hate you. But I do, just to a lesser extent. I either hate you or don't know you.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Earlier Than Later

Is it hard to imagine being different? If you tell most kids "When you get older, you will be a completely different person", they yell "No! I won't". It just seems like being different, having different interests, different likes/dislikes, aspirations/fears, friends/enemies, frightens most. Well, I know what change is. And people can change in an instant.

I recently found this out. Something just.... spoke to me, told me that what I was, was a lie. I was trying to mold myself into an image I didn't like. I wasn't true to myself and my beliefs. It wasn't conformity, but the principles still rang true. Things change. Just like my transformation into the being you see here now, my mind just switches. As it did here.

Look inside yourself. Determine exactly who you are... and who you want to be. Don't lie and pretend like you ARE that person. Who you want to be, that's what you aspire to, not instantly become. Because when the news hits you, you may surprised at your reaction.