Thursday, June 18, 2009


Some of you may already know what Parkour is, but for those that don't, I'll explain. It shares the physical aspect with another discipline: free running. Although, they are vastly different.

Parkour is an acrobatic discipline that states that speed rules all. Parkour defines the best way to travel through your environment, as efficiently and as quickly as possible, be it to elude capture, to chase, or to save another. It's kinda like acrobatics, with a mission. By the way, Parkour is French and practioners are referred to as "traceurs". The thing I like about it, is that it pushes the human body to it's full potential. As just a species, we have no special traits. We have only three things working in our favor: Arms, thumbs, and the brain to engineer. Beyond that, we are just ducks, floating in the water. But Parkour unlocks a fourth: amazing agility.

It's something I've been thinking about. All my life, I've been about moving fast. If you see me on the street, I'll most likely be running, or walking fast (after a run). This just seems like the next evolution of it.

Some would think it's primarily a physical kind of logic. I mean, to do some of the things they do, it takes incredible strength, endurance, and stamina. But it's just as much a mental game, as a physical one. To accomplish the different manuevers and exercises, it takes the lack of fear and supreme confidence in one's own ability. Not to mention the reflexes it takes.

And for those of you who know of this and free running, I'll explain the difference.
Parkour is moving efficiently and fluidly. Get from Point A to Point B, as fast as humanly possible, with no obstacle to great to overcome.
Free running is more stylish. For fun. It involves tricks that would break a traceur's "flow" and thus not be efficient.

Quickly and efficiently. How I achieve everything.

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