Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"L" As In Logical

Your world. It's flawed. In a huge way. Judgments and decisions are based on emotions and the "feeling". Do you not know history? Many people follow the same broken cycle, as if they've learned nothing from their previous experiences. What does it take for someone to learn, to break the cycle? Someone, apparently, who can see the experiences of all others. One who knows that everything is temporary and nothing is excluded. By that reasoning, one would conclude to just enjoy themselves, until the end of their time. I don't see that as the case.

Not many want to learn, nowadays. And those that do, are rudely (and sometimes, violently) interrupted by those who desire a more.... destructive sense of fun. I'm not only talking only about those in some kind of school. Its people who wake up one day, see that they are, in fact, 35 and need to act as such. It boils down to, once again, entertainment and our need for comfortability. I learn, everyday. I seek to be better than I was, the day before. By watching, listening, taking in, incorporating every little thing into my being. Why would you float through life, in such agony.... well, agony with no end or goal.

Work towards something. A little goal. Find the proper motivation. Don't be a "breathe on my own" vegetable. If that's your life and how you want to live it, you might as well die. Seems like an utterly pointless existence. And I'm not just talking about physical exploits. Sure, those are good, too. But work your mind. Ponder, contemplate, hell, go in deep pray. Just don't be blank. Exercising the mind is just as important as stressing the body.

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