Tuesday, June 9, 2009


In this world, plentiful of stupid, ignorant people to hate, there still exists intolerance, bigotry, and intense hatred of what people are. Not WHO they are but WHAT they are. Be it racism, sexism, homophobia (not an -ism, but equally retarded, in its own right), or ageism (I'm sure there is such a thing). Now, I don't like a lot of people. But it's their the content of their character, or lack thereof if you want to be funny, that pisses me off. Now, I haven't met a lot of black folks, but the few I have, have perpetuated the negative stereotypes. That reason alone, I could assume that the majority of black people are like that. But I don't. Color of your skin, who you love, whether or not you have a Y chromosome, is that really worth hating about?

Better yet, what does that prove? Is that really all they are? Is that what defines them, as a person? If you answered yes to the last two, take a good look at yourself. If you can't even do that, do us a favor and eat a bullet. It's not something someone picks out, at their birth. You can hate someone for being a Republican or Democrat, hate them for liking Ford or Chevy, hell, even whether they like butter on their bread, versus jam. But hating someone for something that just biological are, it's pathetic.

Coming from a hater, at least hate people for who they are, not for things out of their control.

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