Sunday, June 7, 2009

All Are Created Equal but All Do Not Remain Equal

It would detest some of you to know that all people's lives are not equal. To say the life of a grocery store manager is equivalent to a leader of a whole nation, or even a governor of a state or city, is completely wrong. We all have to realize this. People's lives gain value, not from just being, but from influential actions.

Now, I don't pretend to think I'm better than most. I mean, to me, I am better than most. But, I have done nothing to back up my claim. I have not progressed our species enough to say "I'm better than the grocery store manager".

Which brings to my next point. Those that halt the progression of our society must be stopped. I would say religious zealots, but that's just the tip. To move forward in any meaningful way, it would take the masses to agree. Like, in America, the two-party system is so halting progression, a lot more than any religious ideology. The modern age has brought so many comforts, that people would like to just remain at this comfortable stage. We are moving forward, but too slowly because of these comforts. That's a reason I mentioned in an earlier post, why we need a catastrophe. To break up our comfortable lives and force us into action.

Ask yourself this: Do you value life or lives? It seems like a trick kind of question, but it's not. Example: say, in a bank, a hostage situation. You have 10 terrorists, who have stolen mass funds to wage their war against us. The police can give them what they got, the terrorists would leave peacefully. Or they could storm the place, with expected civilian casualties. What if giving the terrorists this money, could help them purchase mass destructive weapons, gases, poisons, or even a biological disease? What are a few complacent civilians' lives, by comparison? Or even a broader scale: A major city in which an oppressive, dangerous regime has used for their big operations. Bomb the city to the ground to save the world, at the cost of thousands of civilian lives? Even if it would save billions? Of course, there is always a chance that both, the regime and the bank terrorists are simply bluffing, but would you really take the chance?

Would you put the needs of individuals, over the needs of the whole race?

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