Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Gay Marriage

This is just what I think on it.

Recently, a Christian friend of mine asked me about this. Politely, he said that they should not be allowed. Under God's law, it's for a man and a woman. I really never thought about it, before this. I ask, why. Why does it matter? And how is corruptive of our current system? The marriage system now, has become a legal one, anyway. For taxes, property, even testimonies in legal cases fall into the hands of marriage. It has just become a unity of bank accounts, and identities. But, all that aside.

I don't see why it's wrong. Is their love any less real because of a slightly different circumstance? Based on a purely "it devalues the ceremony of marriage" bullshit, it's, well, bullshit. From drive-in weddings in Vegas, to "I Want To Marry A Rich Guy For Fame And Money", to 5 divorces in a lifetime. Is letting a few gay guys and some lesbians get married really going to completely breach our morality?

Bigots and assholes. Let them have their legal ceremony. Let them enjoy all the comforts of a legal, binding agreement. It's fucking discrimination, pure and simple. One of the oh so many reasons why this "Christian" nation epically fails.

If you are reading, please vote to allow them, in your state. Or you are just an insensitive, hetero supremacist bigot asshole (in my book).

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