Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cyber Women

So, there is a "sex robot" that is out, originally developed in Japan (obviously) but an advanced model was developed in the States. It's about as appealing as a pink laptop, but I think it could change the face of our interactions. I'll explain. In the normal world (of dating), it's the guys choosing one of the girls and it's up to the girl to accept or reject. Basically, the girl has all the power. But if the advent of an android female that could essentially be the every guy's dream girl, then that power could shift to the guys. Now, females would have to compete against an unrealistic expectation. This has pros and cons. One of the pros by far is that it will knock pregnancies way down (androids can't necessarily bear children, can they? And I'm sure they wouldn't program them to, anyway) and keep the population in check. All the guys who are fathers against their wishes would go away. Only the guys who actually want children would be the ones having them. Another pro is it can finally balance the power struggle of the two sexes. Like I said, women are mostly in control, just because of how we evolved in society to develop this notion. A con of this is that it may go so far as to switch gender roles. It may also push this "independent woman" nonsense into overkill and create more feminists and lesbians.

It's tough to decide at whether this is a good or bad thing, but it's really interesting and if horny guys continue to develop technology, then we could all be in some serious peril.

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