Thursday, January 14, 2010

Comfort Zone

It just stuns me how much of history and comfortability can really affect a relationship. Now, I'm sure to most normal people, there is a period when around a new person, for whatever reason be it work or school or if you two hang with similar friends, you just don't feel that comfortable. It's understandable and it makes sense. You don't know this person, who they are, what they are, what their views are or what they've done. But again, for whatever reason, you get comfortable with this person. They either become your friend, your enemy, or your "pet" (I'll explain in a different post). I'm just going to focus on the friend part. Let's say that you two don't exactly share the same religious views or political views, but maybe you think the same about psychology or whatever. Point is you both are different enough to be different and yet become friends. Then let's say, you move past just comfortable into the "we can talk about anything" zone. And still being different, but carrying on, just the same. Now you go into "I really care about your opinion" zone, and that's where things get tricky. You don't share the same values or views, but for whatever reason, you two are pretty close. What keeps that going? Most people would just leave it at that, but I still ask the question.

Anyway, this one seems incomplete because I don't know the answer. I guess it's just once you regard somebody with familiarity and trust, it can extend past whatever trivial reasons you two should like one another.

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