Sunday, January 31, 2010


It's funny, I haven't once made a music post. And if I directed you here, means you will know why I like what I do. I have known enough people who like each genre to know why they like it. I'll just run down each main genre and why it sucks.
Pop(ular music) - Simply put, it's weak. Incredibly displeasing to my ears and overly positive, to the point of suspension of disbelief
Rap or hip hop - Isn't it obvious? Modern hip hop is all about bitches and money. Boring. Old school is about art and expression. Good message, still an unpleasing sound.
Classical - I actually don't have much of a problem with classical. Beautiful scores, sure, but they seem to just be that. No meaning or message to derive or learn from. Ultimately, boring.
Country - My god, don't get me started on this. So circular, it's almost like every song fits the lonely hart, the good drinking time, or waking up with a stranger in your bed. It's sickening and if you like it, fuck you and never talk to me again.
Alternative - While in the rock genre, alternative seems to try too hard to be different. It's just too lame to like. And boring.
Indie - Pretentious prats. I mean, the songs are too abstract to make sense and musically, it's a mess  and it's "different".

Also, when metal is good, it's great. When it's bad, it's horrible. I'm not some metalhead who fights for the genre as a whole. I don't even want to go to a concert. What I like about it is the easing feeling, the aggressiveness that is portrayed. It's pretty hard to explain, because it's the one place where I fully embrace all the "negative" emotions. It's somewhere I can lose my sense of reality and embrace all the dark fantasies I have. And it's not like the lyrics make the song or the sound makes the song. A song will just click with me or in some cases, the unique sound one band has will click with me. 

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Many Facets

Just a short write. I noticed that it's high unlikely that you'll ever meet anyone exactly like you. I found out quite recently, that if you think someone is, there's usually some way they drastically aren't. I've talked to 4 or 5 different people and I could tell you that we are all similar. How is this? The many different faces you have. You can't be one thing, all the time. Some will share your outlook on life, however bleak. Some will share a difficult situation similar to yours that they handled in exactly the same way. Some will share your phobias and the way you view others. Some will share your lifestyle choice, and the way you live.

So many different things about you, it's hard not to relate to someone.

Friday, January 15, 2010


I feel the most... alive or maybe not bored, when there's something to happen in the works. Say there is nothing. Wouldn't it be depressing if everyday was the same as another? That's why I was depressed before, because it was true. I was taken out of my exciting reality and thrown into a world where only my actions directly affected a different path, which then is ever so slight. But when there is something to anticipate, and I would dare say hope for, it makes it all exciting again. This is why I like being close to someone. You can learn and if you are really close enough to hear intimate detail, you could almost experience yourself. It gave a bit chance and the best part is it usually doesn't directly affect you. You can get most of the reward and minimal punishment.

Maybe I'm just weird like that. I know a lot of people, and I used to think this as well, want utter control. For everything to happen according to plan.That leaves imagination out of it, the fun of risk and chance. I sometimes want things to change and happen differently. It makes it all exciting again.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Comfort Zone

It just stuns me how much of history and comfortability can really affect a relationship. Now, I'm sure to most normal people, there is a period when around a new person, for whatever reason be it work or school or if you two hang with similar friends, you just don't feel that comfortable. It's understandable and it makes sense. You don't know this person, who they are, what they are, what their views are or what they've done. But again, for whatever reason, you get comfortable with this person. They either become your friend, your enemy, or your "pet" (I'll explain in a different post). I'm just going to focus on the friend part. Let's say that you two don't exactly share the same religious views or political views, but maybe you think the same about psychology or whatever. Point is you both are different enough to be different and yet become friends. Then let's say, you move past just comfortable into the "we can talk about anything" zone. And still being different, but carrying on, just the same. Now you go into "I really care about your opinion" zone, and that's where things get tricky. You don't share the same values or views, but for whatever reason, you two are pretty close. What keeps that going? Most people would just leave it at that, but I still ask the question.

Anyway, this one seems incomplete because I don't know the answer. I guess it's just once you regard somebody with familiarity and trust, it can extend past whatever trivial reasons you two should like one another.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cyber Women

So, there is a "sex robot" that is out, originally developed in Japan (obviously) but an advanced model was developed in the States. It's about as appealing as a pink laptop, but I think it could change the face of our interactions. I'll explain. In the normal world (of dating), it's the guys choosing one of the girls and it's up to the girl to accept or reject. Basically, the girl has all the power. But if the advent of an android female that could essentially be the every guy's dream girl, then that power could shift to the guys. Now, females would have to compete against an unrealistic expectation. This has pros and cons. One of the pros by far is that it will knock pregnancies way down (androids can't necessarily bear children, can they? And I'm sure they wouldn't program them to, anyway) and keep the population in check. All the guys who are fathers against their wishes would go away. Only the guys who actually want children would be the ones having them. Another pro is it can finally balance the power struggle of the two sexes. Like I said, women are mostly in control, just because of how we evolved in society to develop this notion. A con of this is that it may go so far as to switch gender roles. It may also push this "independent woman" nonsense into overkill and create more feminists and lesbians.

It's tough to decide at whether this is a good or bad thing, but it's really interesting and if horny guys continue to develop technology, then we could all be in some serious peril.

Monday, January 4, 2010

"Grow Up"

What does it mean to be adult? I would guess most people aren't burden with this question, as they just emulate what other adults are doing. It's regional. But what does that mean? To me, I guess the standard answer is get a house, get a car, get a good job (but not necessarily a respectable one), get a wife or a serious partner, get some kids, be part of the community, and generally just get arbitrary obligations and responsibilities. From the offset, most adults seem like, well, adults. But hardly any I know demonstrate a life experience, especially devoid of any richness. It seems the older you get, the duller you get. The more you have to live in this modern world, this stupid society. Well, I say fuck that. I don't want a goddamn family. I don't want a goddamn car. I don't want a goddamn house. And fuck the community. I can only guess once I venture out of my hometown, I'll be ridiculed for my lack of knowledge concerning "adult" things. That term implies that the standard that is set is the correct one. Which is bullshit.