Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Human Zoo Part Two: Shorty Shorts on 12 Year Old Girls, 20 Year Olds With A 2 Year Old Kid, More Fat People on Motorized Scooters

I, once again, made a trek to your local, family-friendly Wal-Mart. I revile in disgust, as usual.

As I was walking around, I noticed a very odd thing. On these young girls, their outfits are getting more and more..... non-existent. Almost to the point of sympathizing with the pedophiles. And the parents say NOTHING. Dammit, parents, you can't leave teenagers up to make their own decisions!

Another thing I noticed is all these kids! I mean, one out of every three people was lugging some useless little nothing around. Usually more than one. At one point, I seen a young adult woman around a bunch of kids. One would naturally assume that she was the older sister. Until the oldest looked up at her and said "Hey, Mom....". Shocking. Why do they need to reproduce so much? To what end? To what point?

Another point of contention: fat people. First it was the scooters. Now, it's a legal handicap. That's right, my Non-American friends, it is now considered legal to get a handicap permit FOR BEING FUCKING FAT! WTF, America! Fat people should be dragged off and shot. They serve no purpose. Maybe a great mind. We can let those survive.

Another thing I noticed: how the typical male group isn't there. Obviously guys aren't much into shopping. You'll mostly find this pitiful group at most worksites, whilst you won't find the typical female group there. Only in the malls... spending whose money? Hmmm, something to think about.

One more thing to say: single moms. In particular, the group I mentioned earlier. Most were just by themselves. This infuriated me. Why don't people learn. Have kids with the person you LOVE. Not some jackass who's "hawt".

Finally, my racist thought for the day. Why do I get so offended at a black guy with a white girl?
I'm find with a white dude and a black chick. But I think I discovered the race hierarchy, here.
White girl - black guy. Black girl - Latin guy. Latin chicka - Asian guy. And finally, Asian schoolgirl - creepy White guy.

More to come. I know. Edge of your seat.

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