Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Art & Classical Music

I never understood art. Just to be absolutely clear, I'm not talking about it in its broadest sense, just classical art, I suppose, sculptures, art museums, art galleries, that sort of thing. It's just an object, it's just some.... thing. No value at all, it's something that can't be used for any practical purpose, it's entirely worthless, in my opinion. I mean, for paintings and sculptures, you look at it and then what? It's gone, out of your mind.. or at least, out of my mind. While I'm a fan of interpretation (because the mind is so vast and unique, two people could see the same thing and see two different things, all about perception) but people selling art for all this vast sort of money, just to say you're "cultured"? No, it's completely pointless to me. Especially abstract art. Throw a bunch of splotches of paint on a canvas and make me interpret it? Hell no, paint something with value, with a message, and then I might pay attention. All that classic art... it's boring, pretentious, and pointless.

Classical music is much the same, but audibly, of course. Someone told me that classical, you just "feel" it, the tones, the scales, the instruments. I just don't see it like that. There's no message. And any message in the songs or chords or whatever, you have to look it up, you can't hear it through the song. Once again, it's a matter of being "cultured". I don't feel the need to inflate my importance, by saying I appreciate art and classical, because I don't. Don't get me wrong, I'm all about emotions in songs (and even without intelligible lyrics, such as Ag20 by Blood Stain Child, that's a song I "feel"), but I guess my perception is different. Metal pleases my ears, gives me all the satisfaction from music that I want. Also I have a bone to pick with those people who say "I like all kinds of music" but in a different post.

Art and classical have no value, but due to their longevity (for whatever reason), they have become the bastion for intellectual pretentiousness, for just having the "cultured" banner. I think it's a load of crap and the social and financial gain is all that is benefited, two things I don't give a shit about.


Rupkotha said...

Actually, to some extent,it is true that there are some artists who really attack (mmm,I'd better say me) with their so called "classic" pieces...I'd like to add the experience of my proffesseor(no gurrantee of its truthfulness though,he told this to our class), that once he visited one art exhibition,and found a canvas which was blank,blank in real sence!just bought from the stationery shop! when he was crossing it with a blankness in his mind too,the artist himself came and asked how did he like that painting,with a surprise my proff. asked where is the painting and got a unfriendly blow of words...from which my proff. got that,he is a jerk and has no idea about arts and,the paiting signifies the real blankess...blankness of life and world!!!it refers to how blank is a human's life!!!
All my teacher said back at last was"but its blank,man!"...hahaha..
Anyway,thats only an example how horrible the art can be! but there are certainly some real classics,that really make one "feel" the "message"...that may generate new idea,inspire courage or make one nostalgic, and,they don't need a intellectual half-insane to understand it! it is perfect and do not storms your brain!
But I am not sure if the artists would like to call the understandable and nice paintings the "classics" !!!
And hey,if the old one's are classics,then the latest arts are the oldest classic! aren't they? earth is older in 2011 , earth was young in 1829...what do you say?

Matthew W. said...

Hmm, that professor story was interesting, indicative of all art, to me. Where's the message, where's the point? Oh, okay, it's a goat, with an apple on its head and it's being chased by a unicorn. So where's the bastarding point?
I feel you on that, generate new ideas, etc. but the world is no longer in that sort of intellectually debunk place where an apple can fall on our heads and suddenly we come up with the laws of gravity. Most facets of understanding our reality and existence have already been "discovered". Art is now becoming extinct because it can't offer what today's media can. Back before television, movies, a proper way to share all sorts of music and connectivity, sure, art was something. But it's completely obsolete now and I have another rant on history coming up. The fascination with the old, as some sort of high and nobled thing is pissing me off. All this "cultured" business. Well, it can piss off, I live in the real world, not this fantasy of paintings and sculptures which you can learn NOTHING from.