Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I Like Drama

Through my many looks through other people's profiles on Facebook (their new privacy "leaks" are actually beneficial), I have noticed a trend amongst them, particularly in the 16 to 24 demographic - "Just looking for a good time, no drama" or some version of that. But always with the "no drama" or "hate drama". I'll be the first one to say it, probably not ever but ever that you'll hear - I like drama. I do because drama breaks up the monotony and control of our daily lives. Now maybe it's because I have shunned myself from all human contact, but even then, I enjoyed the disruption. It's an escape from your boring existence.

Secondly, what the hell does 'drama' entail? Having fun and drama go hand in hand. No, what those people hate is bad drama for them. They love drama happening to other people and are jealous when good drama happens to others. It's just a bullshit statement that I read as "I'm too weak to handle real life, so please sugarcoat things and don't press with any questions, and when I say leave me alone, just do that. Yep, just hide the truth from me whenever possible, because I only like FUN".
It's fucking pathetic. I'm coming to embrace real life and actually learning to laugh at shit. It's a handy trick when everything is bad and the motivation is gone.

In closing, anybody who says they hate drama without properly defining what drama is, is someone who can't handle real emotions, real events, and most importantly, real life.

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