Monday, March 1, 2010

Progress Versus Tradition

I find traditions abhorrent. You could say it's because I was never held in any traditions, but I would say I was never indoctrinated into any of them. Really, it's a form of oppression. And by the way, I'm not talking traditions like certain people setting the table at dinner time or anything like that. I'm talking religions, "rain dances", festivals immortalizing deities, even something as tied to modern culture as marriage. All started for one reason and now, are something completely different.

I think that, in this age of knowledge and technology, traditions should be a dying breed. It's just something used by the powerful to control the dumb and ignorant. It helps the ignorant focus on little happiness and complacency instead of learning the intricacies of the way our world works and challenging authority. It's a throwback to the old days where many things could not be explained and the masses didn't even want to. The effort and work was not worth it, especially when they would pursue happiness instead. It's just such a perpetual cycle that seeing young people fall to these old ideals, it's a travesty.

Traditions, just like religion, should be understood as mental masturbation and not something to revere.

1 comment:

Rupkotha said...

No. It is not the truth! To some extent,those traditions were made to simplify things, but it is clear that those could not stop men to discover the truth underlying. They were curious,and they tried hardest to get the answer!
Also,all the traditions were not made to control the ignorant people,they were a part of it! Whats the aim for the festivals (such as rakhi or dol ?)which tells people to gather and show kindness and love to each other? Its the same thing that the modern phychology says i.e, be with your friends and family and share emotions and show your love for them! being with your loving ones always decreases your tension and removes lonelyness...most importantly,it makes you social!
And about marraige, as far as I know, it was made when there was a odd situation like anyone would have sex with anybody and it was so cheap! and that was a real oppresssion over the women!And, marriage indicates two people getting bonded in a hidden string of love,oviously they can live together, but the joy of shareing your happiness with your parents,friends and relative is something very special that can not be achieved if you just bring his/her and his/her stuffs casually in your home!
Tradition, as to me, is ever changing...the tradition we follow,is not as the same as even 10 years before it used to be,it chages over time and generation...
we ourself created many traditions, the disco or party will be denoted as a tradition say after 200 or 3oo years,and then our next generation would say those are primitive and should be change...but they would never know they are also falling in the same tradition of making mistakes like their ancestors,i.e...trying to change what is already changing...
well,thats also another tradition!!!.........