Saturday, November 28, 2009

Is Human Life Sacred?

To everyone I know (almost everyone), they would say that human life is sacred automatically, without thinking. But it's the same as saying "I love my family". You don't think about it, you just say/feel it. What makes human life sacred? The fact that we live and are aware? This may be the case thousands of years ago, but now with overpopulation, it seems that fact is flawed. Humans breed rapidly, among the other species. It's not because of a short gestation or maturation span, it's because of our ability to survive and endure longer than any other species. When I hear of another random dead human, I think "one down, 8 billion to go". Okay, not that extreme but if an even more aware species came along, they might view us as we view lesser species. Run rampant and out of control, we hunt to control the population and restore balance to nature. Who makes the call that we are different from this law of nature? I guess the fact that we are superior has something to do with it, but if a more advanced race comes along, nature will take its course.

Religion and medicine say that all human life is sacred. That we are all equal, in God's eyes or when ill. I spoke of value before, so obviously, I don't think this is so. What makes us sacred? The millions, billions, who are just placeholders for the continuation of our species, why do they matter? So what if you didn't stop that robber from shooting and killing that man, there are plenty more of him out there. The fact that it isn't hard to make life - at least, for the living beings - devalues it and the evil that resides in all of us devalues it further.

If you think that all human life is sacred, stop lying to yourself. And if you truly, truly believe it, then you are an even bigger fool than you can possibly imagine.


Anonymous said...

excuse me that was a full on answer revealing the antogonist personality, people ssearh on the web for support and evidence but you here are just a dream crusher, like everyone says we are all entitled to an opinion but an opinion like that desrves to be crushed.

human life is more sacred than any other kind of life regarding the fact that we can make a change and impact society wheater in a positive or a negative way, we are all put on this planet for a purpose and maybe a motive to accomplish but that doesent mean humans are not sacred and not valued. by the way the statement you posted at the bottom is also false beacuse respecting the desire that human life is sacred doesnt make us a fool but rather makes you a fool for thinking otherwise. you responded to a nice simple question as a atheist who for you is someone who doesnt believe in god or rules hence your negative nature.

Matthew W. said...

What you call dream crushing, I call waking up to reality. I'm not stating whether I like the fact of this, or even if it's good or bad, which is an open question. What I am saying that it IS this way, humans aren't sacred or special anymore than a gorilla who can speak, operate heavy machinery, or write poems is.

So the fact that we can influence our own species's society makes us sacred? I'm fairly sure an individual deer can affect deer society, so by that right, deer are sacred as well. People talk about "purpose" and our "reason for being here". Not once has anyone speculated on just what that means, except to say "it's God's purpose". What purpose could that possibly be? To propagate and overfill the earth with humans? Because we've done that. Is it to make the earth better? Well we pollute the shit out of it, so that's out. You tell me what possible intrinsic purpose we have for being here and we can discuss that. By the way, my atheism doesn't inform this opinion, the state of the planet and human beings sans God does.