Friday, November 20, 2009

You Can't Prove An Idea Or Feeling

Lies are a fairly easy thing. I lie on daily basis. It is a common part of living amongst.... uncivilized people. But they are restricted to harsh slanderous remarks. Lies also come in the form of knowledge or admission. I cannot trust anyone. Anyone who is stupid enough not to lie won't garner my respect and those who do lie I can never hold in too high regard. It troubles me what people say versus their actual actions. They don't match up. And if you inquire, well then, using words, they claim that isn't case, furthering their "hole digging". I hold that you can only truly know someone's intentions, 100%, when they are backed into a corner, with no way out, metaphorically and literally, when the time calls for it.

You have to do more than just tell me something. You have to prove your point, you have to make me believe what you are saying. There are many things to gain from lying and I know every single one of them. You have to prove it, through actions. Because words, just as people, are meaningless to me.

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