Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Conservatism in America

I am led to believe that anyone who calls themselves a "conservative" without adding "but not with those nutjobs who say Obama is a racist Nazi" should just shut the hell up and not vote. These conservatives are now becoming my favorite people to hate, passing theists. How can you honestly sit there and say things like "Obama's a Nazi, an enemy within, he's out to take our freedoms and expand the government" when the two last motherfuckers DID that? Bush and Cheney pushed executive power passed the constitutional limit. Executive orders are a natural part of that branch, but when Dumb and Dumber used it to wiretap and imprison people without a trial, how can the conservatives claim that more government was started by Obama? It's hypocrisy on the highest level.

My next point, remember when they said stand by your president, because he's your leader? Yep, thrown that right out the window. Now it's "challenge your president and question his every move, even when it's not an important one" (when Obama went to lay down his case for Chicago for the Olympics). These same people, when liberals and rational people challenged the Bush administration, called them unpatriotic and siding with the terrorists. And now with McCarthyism becoming a cool thing again, a war of the nation is going to happen. Some dumbass, uninformed, uneducated (because he thinks Glenn Beck is a goddamn prophet) is going to make a move and we would have to act.

Reason and logic are the mortal enemies of stupidity.

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