Monday, August 3, 2009

Creationist + Evolutionist = F@#%ing Moron

We know what Creationism is all about. That God (or more specifically, a deity) created the world. Designed all the animals, by hand.

We know what evolution is all about. Came from atoms, adapted to survive.

Now, when a Christian (a Creationist) says they believe in evolution, it makes me want to end a small puppy's life. How can you believe two contradictory things? It's like being a Jewish Nazi. Or being a Log Cabin Republican. Just doesn't make any sense. "God made things to evolve" No, he didn't. He made the things as they are, because it's HIS design. Gods are egotistical asses. They aren't going to allow their creation to "evolve" out of the exact thing that it is. It would defy God, and if he is defied, the world ends.

So tell me, you crazie. Does it make sense, to YOU?

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