Saturday, April 25, 2009

Generation "Me"

Today, I had a thought. As I was working around 3:00 p.m., all the teenagers that got off of school started their shift. I realized some sad truths about today's kids.

Generation "I'm special. I don't have to do anything, but I'm still important". This kind of stupid logic is what is being taught to today's kids. No longer is it "You are nothing until you've worked hard. Labored for your achievements" as it should be. There is no humility. I think it can be undone by something as simple as beating the f**k out of your kid, when he steps out of line. This new generation, composed of what I think is people from the ages 7-25, isn't being taught that. They being beat to the inch of their life, when they f**kup, really bad. When I was a kid, when I messed up, I was beaten. Rightfully so. Not bloody and broken, just bruised and demoralize. As it should be. I learned not to be an idiot, that consequences that are as menial as "I'll whoop your ass, if you do that again" mean something. And I turned out, all right.... for the most part. But, that's another story for another post.

Since we are on the subject of these moronic ass kids, I noticed something else. At my place of employment, there is a girl (16 years) who is pregnant, another (16 or 17) who is engaged. These kids are trying to do adult things, and they aren't even growing up. What are you going to accomplish, having a baby that young? Or getting married (which won't last, I bet my life on it)? In 20 years, if the world hasn't collapsed by then, our society will fall apart. A quote from one of my older co-workers "What the hell? Kids are getting dumber, every day".

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