Sunday, April 26, 2009

Massively Multiplayer Blah Blahs

I have a bone to pick with MMO players. Let's just, first, put this notion that if you happen to loathe MMOs, it does not make you anti-social. I'm not I'm not, just saying that doesn't automatically qualify me as one, just for hating that particular genre of gaming entertainment. Let's take a look at a few good qualities, and plenty of bad, about MMOs.

First, most are a game where you can find plenty of people to play with and befriend. I mean, I know the huge popularity and closeness that people in guilds have.

Second, those games are never short. Lots of time and toil for a rewarding experience.

Third---- I got nothing
Now for the bad:

The biggest flaw, obviously, has to be the people. You get those quests that required upwards of ten players, and you are bound to get some stupid, or stubborn people. That fact alone turns me away. But, there is more.

The constant grind. I like games that simulate at least a tiny bit of reality. Pointing and clicking.. just feels so impersonal. The toil, hell, it got to me in the first few days of playing the trial of the most popular one, World of Warcraft. Don't get me wrong. I am not a huge fan of FPSs. I like a few, but I like the ones with strategy, i.e. Rainbow Six series. And I like RPGs. Of course, I like Action RPG, i.e. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Mass Effect.

I like to have FUN with my games. Geez, the way I hear some people talk, MMOs is like a second job to them. Like its habit, or something. I like to sit back, and play my games with a slowed pace, not a frantic hurry. My day is frantic enough, I do not require it in my entertainment as well.
And don't even get me started on immersion.

So, I am not some sort of antisocial troll if I don't like MMOs. It just means I prefer relaxation and fun, not another job after I leave my primary one. Now if you are getting paid for it, then that's a different story.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Generation "Me"

Today, I had a thought. As I was working around 3:00 p.m., all the teenagers that got off of school started their shift. I realized some sad truths about today's kids.

Generation "I'm special. I don't have to do anything, but I'm still important". This kind of stupid logic is what is being taught to today's kids. No longer is it "You are nothing until you've worked hard. Labored for your achievements" as it should be. There is no humility. I think it can be undone by something as simple as beating the f**k out of your kid, when he steps out of line. This new generation, composed of what I think is people from the ages 7-25, isn't being taught that. They being beat to the inch of their life, when they f**kup, really bad. When I was a kid, when I messed up, I was beaten. Rightfully so. Not bloody and broken, just bruised and demoralize. As it should be. I learned not to be an idiot, that consequences that are as menial as "I'll whoop your ass, if you do that again" mean something. And I turned out, all right.... for the most part. But, that's another story for another post.

Since we are on the subject of these moronic ass kids, I noticed something else. At my place of employment, there is a girl (16 years) who is pregnant, another (16 or 17) who is engaged. These kids are trying to do adult things, and they aren't even growing up. What are you going to accomplish, having a baby that young? Or getting married (which won't last, I bet my life on it)? In 20 years, if the world hasn't collapsed by then, our society will fall apart. A quote from one of my older co-workers "What the hell? Kids are getting dumber, every day".

Monday, April 13, 2009


The word is thrown around a lot. Friends. I think, along with many other words, it has lost its meaning. I blame the "politeness" and other such B.S. things that people say and do, to make others feel comfortable. I'm not saying be mean, and rancorous all the time. I am just suggesting that weaker minded individuals take that as a sign of caring. Some sort of care.

Personally, I take great pride in words, and their meanings. Therefore, the friend count is rather minuscule. Of my own volition, of course. I use the term "acquaintance", like people use the word "friend". I think its a better word for such people. Friends are meant to know one another. But, truly, you can't really know someone. I mean, take something as simple as marriage. 10 years. You would figure after 10 years of marriage, that whether or not two people could get along, it should be easy to see. But, no. 10 years, and now they don't like each other. What really happens to cause this? Its different in any case.

But, I digress. And for those who exclaim that they have lots of friends (and you know who you are), I don't like you. Even if you are using the word to its fullest extent, it brings up another problem. To surround yourself with people. Its repulsive. I'm no expert, in that area, but I have my reasons.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Most people use blogs as a way of putting themselves out there, getting noticed, etc. I don't care about all that. Hell, I don't even know why anyone would want to read the crap I'll put in this. I mean, to you, it will be boring, irrelevant. Then, I'm sure you are asking "Then, why blog at all?" And I answer. Its not for you. Its for me. Just of way of cataloging different things I think. In an appropriate forum. Its not going to a wrap-up of my week, and I won't be posting pictures of the awesome parties I go to, on the weekends (for the future, I don't actually go to parties).

So, this is your warning. Your boring warning. If you have an extra 20 minutes to kill, go ahead and read on. But, if you do have that much time on your hands, it could be used more productively, than reading this. Unless maybe, you are a psychologist. Then, you may find interest in my words.