Saturday, October 23, 2010

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of I'll Do Whatever the Fuck I Want To

The running theme of what I say about the human mind (or just sentient beings in general, but that would be pushing emotions on all sentient beings, which may not be the case) and the way we think is we can only think in terms of our personal perspective. That's why there are such misunderstandings and such arguments are petty things in the world, because we can't understand each other's perspectives and situations. Everyone seems to be judging me on the basis of what they think is the right thing to do for my situation because of what they have already seen before. The thing that EVERYONE forgets is I'm not like anyone else. I think in a such a way that is vastly different from at least most of the people I'll meet. So projecting this ideal onto me is pointless, because my end goal is not your end goal. Most people want a few things: comfort, prestige,money, and legacy. Oh and sex, but let's exclude that for now. And people I want that too, but I don't. I couldn't care less about legacy because I'll be dead, so so fucking what. I don't care about prestige because people find many reasons not to like you, or to like you, and I don't want that to be why I am interesting or someone to be around, is because of what I've done, or the last thing, my money.

People see in me what they would see in anyone else in my position who wasn't me. That invalidates their position because they are judging me on a scale that is no applicable to me. That would like if I was a dog and there was a cat in front of me. If I don't attack the cat, everyone will think I'm a failure, see? I don't care about attacking the cat, my values are different. Maybe I want to go lick my butt, I don't know, but just because I don't do the one thing that you want me to do, or do it fast enough, doesn't make me a failure. It just makes me something you can't possibly understand. And people want to be able to understand things easily. Put something incomprehensible in front of them and they will deny it's viability because they can't understand it.

I don't want the same things as you. If we switched roles, there is a possibility I wouldn't do what you would do. If you judge people, judge them on their actions and their words, not their inaction or the lacking of pleasing you. The next time you see someone and think "What a waste, they could have done so much" examine what mechanisms make you think that is the clear plan for everyone, not just what you personally hold dear.

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