Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I don't know what makes me different in this area than others. I know I'm not the only and it's a frequent trait among the "minority". This whole courting, dating, and mating ritual that we have nowadays. It seems to me that relationships of that sort are just filler for some.... reason or another that is not directly tied to the individual they choose. People look at it like a necessity, like a job or a car or a home. Like if you don't have one, there's something wrong with YOU. Could be evolutionary, could be social norms, I don't know. But we have left the arranged marriages and brides as peace offerings and bribes (at least in the West). Instead, we have this culture who is obsessed with who is sleeping with who. It's so hardwired and ingrained into people that it's not even a thought to consider why they think it's such a negative attribute, it would go against people's logic.

If it weren't so stigmatized, our culture and scientific progress would greatly advance. It holds us back, it's biology, simple instincts. Maybe I have this particular viewpoint because I am solitary, I believe people are burdens that get in the way of progress, individuals get in the way of YOUR progress. People drop good jobs, good opportunities, all because of some fake emotional bond that can be replaced in a week. Human ignorance and selfishness will always rule out in competition with reason and logic. I'm not proposing a business model that everyone should follow, just that chasing romance like it's some kind of goal is the wrong way to go about it..... for long lasting love and attraction that is. They spend all their time, when single, chasing it, they forget that sometimes, things come to you. Don't think these a musings from a loser, I have.... moderate appeal in this area. But that's just it. I'm not looking for a role holder or something to screw to give me some kind of arbitrary meaning. If I happen to find someone that I click with and love enough for that, fantastic. But I certainly won't chase it, not for society, not for biology, not for loyalty and not for honor. Maybe I achieve greatness someday and people see my example, one can only hope. But if it's being a pariah versus sharing a bed with brainless troglodytes, guess I fulfill my satisfaction for a solitary existence.

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