Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Liberal Commie Rant

I hear all this talk from the right (and some from the left too) about big government and how we should reign in big government spending. If any of those sitting congressman voted for earmarks or "junk" amendments in bills, they should shut the fuck up, no matter how much it cost. They attribute this to Obama, like before him, the government was very meager and small, and that each state was its own colony or something. It's really pathetic, considering the expansion of the government by Bush, in the name of "defending freedoms".  I always wonder what Gore would have done if he was president instead. Would we have invaded Afghanistan? It's probable. Would we have invaded Iraq? Hell no. Haha, expanding the government..... who blew up the budget for TWO conflicts? It seems that the people who are screaming "STOP BIG GOVERNMENT" think that the world would be something like the world of Equilibrium. The government can be the regulators, the refs to make sure the corporations aren't cutting corners for bigger profits. Fucking hell, that's why we have checks and balances and freedom of speech.

Also, I want to ask these people who say Obama is taking away their freedoms (not like Bush who took away your Fourth Amendment rights, or what the conservatives are now saying we should abolish the 14th Amendment), which freedoms is he taking away? It's not a trick gotcha question, I am genuinely curious which rights and freedoms he's taking away. If anything, he's giving MORE freedoms. Although, on healthcare, he basically let the insurance companies get between you and your doctor. OMG, I said it! Really, people get denied coverage for the dumbest shit and you say Obama would decide who gets healthcare or not? If you are angry with Obama on that he *might* have done, you had better be pissed as hell that the insurance companies are *actually* doing it. And on government spending, what is he supposed to do? If he had a sack on him and really cared about spending, he would cut the defense budget in half, at least. I never understood the concept "fight them over there so they don't come over here". What, like a presence in those countries won't drive them to OTHER countries and even here. How do you tell a Taliban from a normal citizen? You have to work at the root problem, which is recruitment, not an entire people.

Back to spending, this stupid free market "the markets will regulate themselves" is BULLSHIT. Imagine a football game without refs. You would have linebackers taking off the quarterback's head and it's the same in the financial market. Straight socialism doesn't work, straight capitalism doesn't work, so you have to find a balance between the two. And also, capitalism and socialism aren't mutually exclusive. You can have a government with deep social programs and still have the private sector, coinciding. It's the fringe people who have a vested interest in keeping the people ignorant, angry, and fearful of complex ideas they can't understand, that is keeping this country polarized. Oh, and by the way, I am glad Prop 8 was overturned because the people are WRONG. Popular opinion doesn't always mean it's right. A straight majority rules system would be disastrous and dangerous for everyone.

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