Sunday, August 1, 2010


"Life is pain" is not only an emo cliche, it actually makes sense. Much of our lives consist of taking some sort of risk with as close as a gain equivalent to the risk. Like going to work or school. I'm positive that the majority of people would want to skip those parts and just reap the benefits, but obviously this is impossible, or more often times, the closest thing to that is illegal. So we bear these responsibilities for the gains we get - work = money and school = opportunities for work. Also, let me state  I'm not in this camp of my profession defining me. Maybe if I had more opportunities, I would be much prouder of a profession to ascribe that label to me, but as it stands, I do not.

We do what we have to to live. Most people who have blue collar or jobs that are menial or not specialized don't often enjoy their work. So to ease their stressful mind off of not living the life they want, they must have distractions. Things that generally make them forget or that override that foreboding feeling. I found now, even as I am temporarily living the life where I choose my activities, day to day (not on any government welfare program, just chose not to partake in our "great" capitalist system and instead, saved my money for this time) and although I still am conscious of the responsibilities coming soon, it's generally off my mind as it is far off, yet I find myself still getting distressed at things, little things. Things I can't necessarily explain, but they had a bad mood, just a dreadful feeling. As long as I continue to remember that I have this awful emotion, not remembering the particular thing that invoked it, just the feeling, it will perpetuate. Distractions do help.

If you are brought down, find a way to temporarily bring you out of the routine in which caused the bad mood. Distract.

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