Friday, June 18, 2010

Destroying Complacency

While I was in Comic Con, I seen a lot of people. A lot of different varieties of this human brand. As I walked onto the floor (the exhibition floor), as it was cluttered with bodies, I thought.... how easy would it be to walk in with a briefcase bomb, set it, slide it under a table and walk out? Before you think I'm an evil bastard, just set aside your morality. Everyone likes to shake things up, everyone likes drama. Everyone likes variety. The September attacks on the WTC in 2001, I really enjoyed that. Look at the backlash of what a handful of regular people did. It sent the world into a panic. It did sooo much. Even now, it's so grand, people think it's a government conspiracy. As much as I abhor their motives, I like their actions. You can't talk and make things different, you have to do things. Blowing up the SDCC would rattle a lot of cages. I'm sure I would be caught, they would investigate the attendees who survived and I'd probably leave the smallest of trails but enough to be picked up. But I would change something.

Imagine politicians, fuck, imagine Mr. Change Obama. What has he done? Nothing, or.. rather, I should say, very little. But what could a vigilante do? What could a handful of Arabs do? More than the fucking president of the most powerful nation. THAT'S the power of action. Bureaucracy be damned.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Unconcious Preference Vs. Conscious Choice

Sometimes, I think about all the things in life that we choose. Professions, friends, things to do, things to buy, things NOT to buy, the life you want to lead. In a perfect world, every single thing we do would be driven by a conscious choice that we make. But it's not. The first thing we have no control over, I think anyway, is morality. For a lot of people, morality is not a thought, it's just... what it is. Morality is a tenuous thing, but to people like me, morality and logic must be in balance. For most, it is not.
Also, the things we like.... they aren't always a conscious thing that we think about. I think, depending on how our childhood went, we will automatically like certain things versus others, because of nostalgia. You like it simply because of a memory, not for what it is. It is preferenced.

Another thing is intimate friends, people with whom you share very intimate details of your life, opening them up to scrutiny. One would think it's a choice, you choose the best candidates, but this isn't true. For the most part, this is in regards to romantic relationships, where there are constant breakups because of one of the party's errors, possibly on purpose and not in favor of the mutual relationship. Why does the opposing party accept them back? Outside of desperation, there isn't a conscious choice there. It's an unconscious preference based on..... well, it's individual in every case and even then, hard to spot. But things just go right for some reason, so the opposing parties joins ties again. So do we choose? Can we choose? Does it even matter?
I don't think we do choose, I think it's preference, it's something our psyche or conscience or whatever decides and slowly manipulates our conscious decision-making brain to accept it and rationalize it.

I'll be honest, this is a bit depressing. Not that people lie, but you can't know if there is some unconscious preference they have for you or if it's "genuine". Just another thing to make life that more complicated.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Cosmological Struggle: Bible Is Just Propaganda Against Satan

What if Satan and Yahweh are not who they seem? What if Satan was not a fallen angel, but, like Yahweh, a creator of sorts? It seems in lot of the dead religions, good versus evil had equal forces, thus both could exist separately. That is not the case with Christianity, Yahweh allows Satan to exist and be evil.... for whatever purpose, but that's not the point of this. What if they are just two sides of the same coin?
Here's my idea:

Now, firstly, I don't know how they came about, but I'll assume there was a whole race of people like Yahweh and Satan, who for the purposes of this story has the exact same powers as Yahweh, and that they either died out or are given divisions above "garden" or life sustaining planets of inferior and primitive species. Satan and Yahweh were given Earth to have domain over. Now, with this theory I can't explain much..... but I'll just do the Christian thing and say that my finite, limited, mortal brain can't even possibly conceive of the glory of Yahweh and Satan. What I want to focus on here is the book and how it intentionally treats Satan as an inferior creature, even though he has the opposite "job" of God and that's maintaining Hell (personally, I think that, in the context of the accepted idea of God, he just couldn't be bothered with the upkeep in Hell, especially since he's used to dealing with the very exclusive ELITIST club of Heaven). It's just propaganda.

See, they say Hell is an evil place where you will burn for eternity and is hot and basically appeals to the fears and emotions of the weak-minded. Fire, which was still a remarkable discovery in those days, is magical and symbolizes burning and the pain that goes along with it. Also of the most excruciating pain you've ever felt..... without saying how or why. Yet it's infinite, we cannot die, but pain is basically "killing" the body, so this doesn't make sense. But I digress. What if it's just Yahweh writing propaganda against his competitor? You see this between the same businesses in a particular region. Attack ads and such. The duties of Satan, maybe they don't allow for him to speak to people or interact, thus Yahweh can make him seem as he pleases.

Also, look at what God has you do to get into Heaven. I bet 95% percent of Christians won't get in, at least 30% on ONE mistake, alone. All that praying and praising and preaching..... to an egotistical maniac. And when you get there, you're the only person you know there! Yet what are the qualifications for going to Hell? Doing stuff, taking risks, making advancements, fuck, even enjoying life will get you there. What if Hell merely symbolizes reality as we know it? What if Hell is just another "club" like Heaven? Ha, even on the occupants alone, I'd rather be in Hell than Heaven. But notice how first, Hell is not descript, just described as an appeal to emotion, also the huuuuuge list of things NOT to do to get into Heaven, and also how many of your friends and family most likely, won't make it to the Yahweh's jerkfest in the clouds.

Bonus note: What if Satan corrupted the message of Heaven? I mean, the qualifications are impossible to be held, by a mortal, normal being but he couldn't just say Hell is cool, maybe that would be breaking some cosmological pact that the deities made. Instead he has to vaguely say how bad Hell is to sort of equal it out.

Hmmm, something to think about.