Thursday, September 9, 2010

Knowing Vs. Hoping

There's a lot of things about this world I don't like. I don't like how corruption is prevalent in any hierarchical structure, especially with one vast enough to encompass thousands of employees (I'm not an advocate of smaller government, though). I don't like how romanticized ideals of how romantic relationships should go, and when that fades, everyone accepts that it was inevitable. I don't like the idea that pricks seem to be the most ahead in life, but squander it more than others. I don't like how you have to choose between been successful (rather, being perceived as successful and accomplishing a lot) and living a life you want (for those who lives don't revolve around their work). I don't like the fact that faith is lauded in the face of evidence and reasoned arguments. I don't like that some truths and facts that seem like basic ideas to me, escape those wiser or smarter than me. I don't like the best of our kind doesn't feel like they are worth anything, because they don't conform to the ideal set forth. There are a lot of things about this world I do not like, but accept these things as fact. Just because you don't like something doesn't make it not true. It's a sentiment I see a lot from people, where if they just ignore a problem, it no longer exists.

People need to understand the reality we live in. Things about human nature, social behavior, etc. We've conquered the planet, now we need to conquer our own understanding of ourselves. I wish I could see if these behaviors are solely attributed to human beings, or if they are sentient qualities. What I wouldn't give to know such answers. But I don't and, as much as I don't like something, it doesn't make it not true. Does accepting these things make me bitter? Perhaps.  The optimistic often seem hopeful, right? They *hope* things get better or something will happen. Most hope that a higher power intervenes, which is the most pointless thing in the world, because hoping non-existent creatures intervene is hoping against knowing. I see the world as it is, as reality has been demonstrated to me in all my experiences. And all this shit is now becoming too predictable.